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1. China's foreign investment
... by Japanese investments in the 1980s, but which ultimately became a happy experience. Today, Japanese US affiliates employ nearly 700,000 Americans, export products to the value of $60 billion, spend $4.6 ...
2. Asian Migration
The US, Canada, UK and Australia are blessed with a wave of skilled migrants from Asia, according to a recent OECD report. Continental Europe, Japan and Korea are missing out on this dynamic. The ...
... too many people in today's world.  In other words, as global citizens you have global responsibilities.  There are many ways that you can do this.  For example, the Japan International Cooperation Agency ...
4. Globalization, the word
... world.” “The earth is flat … What is striking today are the underlying similarities of what is happening now … (they) form an overwhelming, predominant commonality everywhere.” Japanese companies “have ...
5. Globalization, development and culture
... after the second world war, as US political and economic leadership led Europe and then Japan to prosperity. Globalization then spread to East Asia, with the Asian tigers (Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore ...
6. Global citizens
... working together. History shows that we human beings have the capacity to open our eyes, minds, hearts and hands.  Take for example when crisis strikes.  Japan’s triple whammy of a crisis – earthquake, ...
7. Singapore in the Asian Century
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... language of business is English. The life expectancy at birth is 83.75 years, which places Singapore 4th in the world behind Monaco, Macau and Japan. Singapore is a city-state and is constituted of 100% ...
8. Japan in the Asian Century
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
Japan is one of the major development success stories coming out of the post-War period.  But how can Japan contribute to and benefit from this "Asian Century"? Our invited contributor, Lila Nojima from ...
9. America's Asian Century
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... Filipino Americans (3.4 million or 20 per cent), Indian Americans (3.2 million or 18 per cent), Vietnamese Americans (1.7 million or 10 per cent), Korean Americans (1.7 million or 10 per cent) and Japanese ...
10. China's reform in a bind
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... the Philippines and Vietnam in the South China Sea.  Last week, China's President HU Jintao was greeted with massive protests in Hong Kong.  The Japanese/Chinese incident in 2010 over the Senkaku islands ...
11. Burmese Days
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... major trading partners are Thailand (30 per cent), China (29 per cent), Singapore (8 per cent), India (8 per cent), Korea (4 per cent), Japan (4 per cent), Malaysia (4 per cent) and Indonesia (2 per cent).  ...
12. Microfinance today
... example of this is using microfinance to benefit those impacted by the 2011 earthquake in Japan. The earthquake, which led to the closing of the Fukushima nuclear plant, not only forced many to temporarily ...
13. Economic growth prospects in Asia
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... case of Japan. This catchup process has been behind developing Asia's high growth rates in per capita income these past 3 decades.  Real per capita income expanded more than four times during the period, ...
14. Human capital in Asia
... member, came second, while Hong Kong was 4th, Singapore 5th, Japan 8th, and Australia 9th.  All of these countries had scores which were statistically significantly above the OECD average, and also above ...
15. Asia`s social development
... needed information on social development. Let's start at the top and work down. First, life expectancy.  Asia has the world's highest life expectancies, with Japan, Hong Kong, Australia, Singapore, ...
16. Asia's information society
... like Korea's can help fast-track development by investing in the ICT sectors.  Korea's ICT sector is more developed than many countries like the US, Japan or Germany which have much higher GDPs per capita ...
17. Asia's low quality jobs
... and also the fragmentation of manufacturing production.  It was designed and conceived in the US.  Its components are produced in Japan, Korea, Germany and the US.  All the iPhone components are then shipped ...
18. Natural disasters in Asia
Japan's triple disaster (earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crisis) of 11 March 2011 provided a harsh reminder that no country is without risk of being hit by natural disasters which wreak havoc without discrimination, ...
19. Food security in Asia
... Ethiopia, Tanzania, Malawi, Togo, Sudan. So Asian countries sit in the middle between the top and bottom tens.  In the top third of the 105 countries are: Australia (14th), Japan (16th), Korea (21st) ...
20. Asia's rising inequality
... and Taiwan.  The following countries did not experience a widening in their inequality, but their levels of inequality remain high -- Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand.  While the case of Japan is ...
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