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1. Asian Migration
... of its educated citizens. As political and social instability have grown over the past year in China, there has also been much anecdotal evidence of Chinese citizens migrating to the US, Canada and Australia ...
... We have seen a global financial and economic crisis transform into an employment and social crisis. So this is the world that you, our youth, are inheriting today.  My generation should have left you ...
3. Globalization, the word
... these lines. According to the Oxford dictionary, the word globalization was first employed in the 1930.  It entered the Merriam-Webster dictionary in 1951.  It was widely used by economists and social ...
4. Singapore in the Asian Century
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... economic and social portrait of the country and compare it to the United States in some cases as the US represents the ultimate to goal to catch up to. Singapore is a country of about just over 5 million ...
5. Japan in the Asian Century
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... it will also be able to spread its culture to those who visit, increasing its soft power and social influence. Overall, although Japan currently faces many challenges, I think if the government and people ...
6. America's Asian Century
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... America's Asian Century! Reference: PewResearchCenter, Social & Demographis Trends.  The Rise of Asian Americans. http://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2012/06/19/the-rise-of-asian-americans/    ...
7. China's reform in a bind
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... undergoes rapid ageing. Improving the spending power of Chinese citizens could be boosted by improved social welfare coverage, tax cuts and salary rises.  But this would necessarily entail cutting back ...
8. Burmese Days
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... internal socialism and external isolationism.  A popular uprising in 1988 brought to power a new group of generals who wanted to abandon these policies.  They held an election in 1990 which was won by ...
9. Culture Wise China
... and various odds and ends including pets, religion and toilets! Culture Wise China contains information for everyone.  According to Lu Xun, a writer and social critic, "Throughout the ages, Chinese have ...
10. Microfinance today
... from a microbanking crisis. Lenders were not socially responsible, offering loans that they knew were too large to be repaid, charging high interest rates of loans, and overburdening borrowers with multiple ...
11. Asia`s social development
... needed information on social development. Let's start at the top and work down. First, life expectancy.  Asia has the world's highest life expectancies, with Japan, Hong Kong, Australia, Singapore, ...
12. Asia's information society
... deliverable services, call centres, e-learning and e-health to name just a few.  ICTs also enhance social and political freedoms by providing access to information and the ability to communicate.  Political ...
13. Asia's low quality jobs
... of informal employment. Workers in the informal sector in developing countries are considered to have "low quality" jobs because they typically do not have a formal contract, job security or social security.  ...
14. Food security in Asia
... when "all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. To ...
15. Asia's rising inequality
... affect economic growth, as poor people invest less in human capital or small enterprises.  It can also lead to a hollowing out of the middle class, with adverse effects on social and political stability.  ...
16. China's reform in a bind
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... undergoes rapid ageing. Improving the spending power of Chinese citizens could be boosted by improved social welfare coverage, tax cuts and salary rises.  But this would necessarily entail cutting back ...
17. Democracy in Asia
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
... political leadership in the developed world, dramatic change and conflict in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) and rising social unrest throughout much of the world.  The popular uprisings in Tunisia ...
18. Tyranny in China and Russia
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
... power is stacked: political power confers economic, social and cultural power. They remain single party states, emptied of the ideology of communism, yet imbued with the same Leninist attitude to power. ...
19. Sen on development on youtube
... human lives, or in other terms removing "unfreedoms" -- these deprivations or unfreedoms can be economic, social, environmental and political in nature. The key to removing these deprivations is developing ...
20. Burmese Days
... policy of internal socialism and external isolationism.  A popular uprising in 1988 brought to power a new group of generals who wanted to abandon these policies.  They held an election in 1990 which was ...
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