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41. Innovation in Japan?
(Panorama/Change and innovation)
... Public sector R&D expenditure and the number of researchers have been growing more strongly than the OECD average, while expenditure on higher education is also above the OECD average.   In short, ...
42. Japan’s globalization
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... State Building to the Champs Elysees and on to the golf courses of Hawaii.   But is Japan really a globalization champion?  This is a topic that the OECD picked up a couple of years ago, and is of ...
Japan received a right scolding from the OECD in its recent report on Japan’s development cooperation policies – and quite rightly so.  Japan must increase both the quantity and quality of its official ...
... the Asia’s financial systems do not provide a wide range of financial services, as in the case of the developed OECD countries, although the situation is improving greatly.  Savers have more limited investment ...
... and the lack of enforcement of labor legislation.   As the OECD says, “exemptions or relaxation of labor rules and other regulations (in EPZs) have often been detrimental by creating differential standards ...
46. SME financing and the crisis
... the innovative ones. And the problem is even worse in a time of crisis like the present.   This is not only a problem in developing Asia, but also for SMEs in OECD countries:   US small business ...
47. Innovation: Not all peaches and cream
(Panorama/Change and innovation)
As OECD Forum 2007 showed, everyone agrees that innovation is important, but not everyone agrees on the reasons why.   This is an article of mine published by the OECD Observer magazine at: http://www.oecdobserver.org/news/fullstory.php/aid/2284/Innovation:_Not_all_peaches_and_cream.html ...
48. Kim Dae-jung: A tribute
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
This is a tribute that I wrote on Korea’s Nobel-prize winning former President, Kim Dae-jung: born 3 December 1925, died 18 August 2009.    It was published by the OECD Observer magazine at: http://www.oecdobserver.org/news/fullstory.php/aid/3080/Kim_Dae-jung:_A_tribute.html ...
49. Innovation Today
(Panorama/Change and innovation)
... clean water, and poverty.  These are some of the messages of the new OECD Innovation Strategy.    In the end, human ingenuity and the entrepreneurial spirit are the essence of innovation.  What role ...
50. Who next for the IMF?
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
... passion led him astray.  The meritocratic selection of the heads of the WTO and the OECD in part reflects their relative lack of importance in the international system.    There is one big job in the ...
51. Finance
Global finance must be the most risky, dangerous and problematic form of globalization. But it should not be … Theory tells us that finance should flow from mature, OECD economies to emerging and developing ...
52. Migration
Deep down, we are all migrants from somewhere.  And most advanced OECD countries need more migrants.  Even Japan is opening up gradually to migration notably through an intern program.  International migration ...
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