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1. China's foreign investment
... Alberta's oil sands. The Canadian government finally approved the controversial $15.1 billion bid, deeming it to have a significant economic benefit to Canada -- even though half of Canadian business leaders ...
2. Asian Migration
... Mayor Michael Bloomberg has described US immigration policy as "national suicide"! Bloomberg is right. Immigrant-founded technology companies are estimated to have generated $52 billion in revenues and ...
3. Burmese Days
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... generated $5 billion dollars in revenues for the Burmese government, thereby contributing to high-level corruption.  The revenue is not accounted for in Burma’s national budget and is allegedly stored ...
4. Asia's information society
... five billion subscriptions and global population coverage of over 90%, mobile cellular is now de facto ubiquitous. The ‘mobile miracle’ is putting ICT services within reach of even the most disadvantaged ...
5. Natural disasters in Asia
... was $16.9 billion in 2008 ($12.8 billion from governments and $4.1 billion from private funding), regrettably only 0.7% was devoted to prevention, even though every dollar spent on risk reduction can save ...
6. Food security in Asia
... price increases.  Looking ahead to the year 2050, the world population is projected to rise from 7 to 9 billion, with more than half of that increase taking place in Asia.  Further, as Asia's population ...
7. Clinton on democracy in Asia
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
... of which model of governance best suits their societies and circumstances, because the path they choose will shape the lives of billions of people of the region and beyond." These are most certainly ...
8. Tyranny in China and Russia
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
... for expropriations of their land, who want ordinary people to have the right to read anything they want on the Internet, who want free and fair elections and an end to the rule of billionaire oligarchs. ...
9. Burmese Days
... generated $5 billion dollars in revenues for the Burmese government, thereby contributing to high-level corruption.  The revenue is not accounted for in Burma’s national budget and is allegedly stored ...
10. Views of Asia's next generation
... A generation born from 1978 to the early 1990.  This is Asia's Generation Y or Millennial generation.  They are almost 1.5 billion in number. The parents of today's young Asians knew hunger and revolution.  ...
11. China: is “state capitalism” in crisis?
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... costs of roughly $100 billion – more that the national defence budget. In a Wall Street Journal article, academic Minxin Pei writes: “the party has thrived since its near-death experience in Tiananmen ...
12. The Economist on China
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... net profits of $142 billion.  Nevertheless, returns on equity among SOEs are substantially lower than among private firms.  Nor do SOEs really "earn" their returns.  The markets they occupy tend to be ...
13. Asia's uneven development
... Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Pakistan. Overall, 1.9 billion people in developing Asia do not have access to a toilet, double the number of people living on less than $1.25 a day.  It is widely quoted, ...
14. China's lack of global leadership
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... for the American oil company Unocal.  Similar tensions arose in relation to Chinalco's proposed investment in Rio Tinto.  Iceland blocked a Chinese billionaire’s bid to buy 300 square kilometres of wild ...
15. Is China cracking?
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
... him to transfer overseas a very large amount of state assets (reportedly $1.5 billion), he asked for a larger cut than usual and threatened to expose her plan.  Feeling betrayed she reportedly killed him ...
16. Multidimensional poverty
... a very useful indicator of the vivid nature and intensity of poverty, and is a good complement to measures of consumption poverty which provide no qualitative information. It is estimated that 1.65 billion ...
17. Beating global poverty?
In 2005, when ageing rock stars Bob Geldof and Bono organized the "Live 8" rock festival, their message (and that of the 3 billion people who watched it), to the G8 leaders meeting in Gleneagles (Scotland) ...
18. Urbanization in Asia -- 12 things to know in 2012
(Panorama/Change and innovation)
... from the Asian Development Bank website, because they are so interesting. 1.  Asian cities are growing rapidly. Another 1.1 billion people will live in the region’s cities in the next 20 years. Source: ...
19. Youth and development in Asia
... investing in youth will boost economic growth, reduce poverty, and make us all better off. This is especially the case for developing countries whose youth number 1.3 billion, or almost one-quarter of ...
20. Gender equality and development
... women now live 20 years longer on average than they did in 1960. Over half a billion women have joined the world's labor force over the past 30 years as women's participation in paid work has risen in ...
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