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1. China's foreign investment
... for transacting and managing assets. Investing in a democratic country with critical media, stridant NGOs, and open political debates has proved to be a cultural shock for some Chinese enterprises. Then ...
2. Asian Migration
... Korean societies are culturally very closed, a key factor behind their many restrictions on migration. Overall, Asia is not an important migrant destination, with its share of the world migrant stock ...
... This means that you will need to know foreign languages, understand foreign cultures, and develop cross-cultural skills, especially for negotiation.  In short, you will need a global mindset. In this ...
4. Globalization, the word
... the world... -- The World Bank. . generally refers to an increasing interaction across national boundaries that affects many aspects of life: economic, social, cultural and political -- United Nations ...
5. Globalization, development and culture
... boat, and lagged behind in economic development. Why is this the case?  Have cultural factors played a role?  Cultural determinism -- the idea that a group's culture explains economic performance -- ...
6. Japan in the Asian Century
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... industrial farms, such as those common in Australia, to increase efficiency and cost-effectiveness. By reducing the amount of protectionism, the Japanese government can help Japan’s service and agricultural ...
7. America's Asian Century
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... do on marriage, parenthood, hard work and career success.  And for the most part, today’s Asian Americans do not feel the sting of racial discrimination or the burden of culturally imposed “otherness” ...
8. Burmese Days
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... comes from the agricultural sector, the highest of all Asia-Pacific countries, and 70 per cent of the population is employed in agriculture (as development proceeds, countries usually see a relative decline ...
9. Culture Wise China
... such cultural wisdom, there is no better place to start than Leo Lacy's book of that title. Lacey's book provides a wideranging overview of issues like: culture shock; the Chinese people, their history, ...
10. Understanding the Rise of China -- Martin Jacques
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... is fundamentally different from other great powers like the US, India or Brazil which are multicultural.  Without China's Han cultural identity, the country (and civilization) China could not have held ...
11. Asia's low quality jobs
... shift of workers out of agriculture towards manufacturing still has a long way to go.  Between 1990 and 2008, the percentage of agricultural employment in total fell from 66% to 44%, compared with a declines ...
12. Food security in Asia
... is also leading to sever droughts, floods and storms, which destroy crops, pasture lands, livestock, transport and agricultural infrastructure, and household assets. The ADB proposes a very useful set ...
13. Japan's governance problems
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
... to meet the challenge of a rapid policy response were people and politics.  "People have autonomy to choose; at issue are the choices they make, not the cultural context in which they make them."  For ...
14. Democracy in Asia
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
... It flagged up the bureaucracy's role in both promoting and regulating the nuclear industry, and also cultural factors such as a traditional reluctance to question authority.  The panel also found that ...
15. Democracy in China?
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
... greatly from China's authoritarian capitalism. I wonder how he interprets the recent protests in Hong Kong and China? In the longstanding debates about Asian culture and values, some cultural theorists ...
16. Tyranny in China and Russia
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
... power is stacked: political power confers economic, social and cultural power. They remain single party states, emptied of the ideology of communism, yet imbued with the same Leninist attitude to power. ...
17. Asian Century on Youtube
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... have constructive relations with mny of its Asian neighbours.  For historical and cultural reasons, India can never be a real ally of any other country.  And the role of the US in the region means that ...
18. Burmese Days
... comes from the agricultural sector, the highest of all Asia-Pacific countries, and 70 per cent of the population is employed in agriculture (as development proceeds, countries usually see a relative decline ...
19. Trying to do business in China
... licenses.  In fact, the term "red tape" is of Chinese origin.  But the main challenges are not legal, they are cultural and linguistic.  You need to understand what your Chinese counterpart is saying, ...
20. America's Asian Century
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... do on marriage, parenthood, hard work and career success.  And for the most part, today’s Asian Americans do not feel the sting of racial discrimination or the burden of culturally imposed “otherness” ...
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