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1. Asian Migration
... just one of seven measures tested in the survey—strength of family ties. In other words, while Asia has succeeded in generating prosperity and reducing poverty, it may not be responding to all the aspirations ...
... two decades of strong economic growth and poverty reduction.  This was especially the case in Asia where good education systems, and strong and effective governance were also key elements.  And the strong ...
3. Globalization, the word
... Poverty and Development Division. . Globalization, or the increased interconnectedness and interdependence of people and countries, is generally understood to include two interrelated elements:  the ...
4. Singapore in the Asian Century
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... directly to poverty and intergenerational poverty. Its figure of 6.6 - although an increase from the previous year (4.8) - is well under the 15.4 figure as the expected limit to be in the top group. This ...
5. India's paradoxes
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... a day, giving it a similar level of poverty to Bangladesh and Pakistan.  Alarming disparities exist across the population in terms of health and nutritional status, education and skills, as well as access ...
6. Living on $2 a day
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
If you are living on more than $2 a day in a developing country, you are not living in poverty according to the World Bank.  Indeed, you are a lot better off than those poor people who live on less than ...
7. Burmese Days
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... that about 33 per cent of the population live in poverty.  Similarly, according to a multidimensional poverty index, 32 per cent of the population are estimated to be poor, with the most important deprivations ...
8. Microfinance today
... is a method of poverty alleviation. Poor, especially rural, communities lack a safe place for individuals to store their money. In this way, microfinance organizations can provide these people with a ...
9. Human capital in Asia
... secondary school.  Poverty is a major driver for dropouts: in rural areas children frequently must work to help the family survive. While Asia is comprised of increasingly dynamic economies with strong ...
10. Asia`s social development
... males.  Infant mortality is tragically high in the cases of Pakistan, Cambodia, Burma, India and Laos. Despite Asia's dramatic reduction in poverty, some countries still have extremely high poverty rates.  ...
11. Asia's low quality jobs
Behind the rosy picture of Asia's dramatic reduction in poverty is the reality that the overall quality of employment in Asia remains low.  Even the subcontrators of Apple, that wonderful company that ...
12. Food security in Asia
As emerging Asia celebrates its dramatic reductions in poverty, we should not forget the wide array of insecurities to which the region's citizens are exposed.  Indeed, the 2007/08 global food price spike ...
13. Asia's rising inequality
While emerging Asia continues to achieve a stunning performance in poverty reduction, the gap between rich and poor keeps widening too.  Why?  Does it matter?  And what to do?   Emerging Asia's ...
14. Burmese Days
... that about 33 per cent of the population live in poverty.  Similarly, according to a multidimensional poverty index, 32 per cent of the population are estimated to be poor, with the most important deprivations ...
15. Living on $2 a day
If you are living on more than $2 a day in a developing country, you are not living in poverty according to the World Bank.  Indeed, you are a lot better off than those poor people who live on less than ...
16. Asia's Failed States
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
... to be the first U.S. secretary of state to visit the country in more than half a century. Widespread poverty and a recent rash of sectarian violence, meanwhile, are reminders of serious obstacles that ...
17. Burma: some Nobel thoughts
... the countryside and towns, living in poverty and destitution, those in prison, battered and tortured; the plight of the young people, the hope of Burma, dying of malaria in the jungles to which they have ...
18. Views of Asia's next generation
... Now, no longer living in a world defined by poverty, today's young Asians are better-fed and better-educated, and have access to the world through the Internet in a way that would hve been unthinkable ...
19. India's urban squalor
... that you read this very human story set amidst the poverty and prosperity of rapidly changing India.  For the moment, here are a number of extracts which give us some insights into life in the Mumbai slum ...
20. India's paradoxes
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... a day, giving it a similar level of poverty to Bangladesh and Pakistan.  Alarming disparities exist across the population in terms of health and nutritional status, education and skills, as well as access ...
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