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21. Innovation Asia
(Panorama/Change and innovation)
... innovative companies shows the continuing dominance of large US companies.  While Toyota comes in 5th and Samsung 9th, all of the other top 10 companies are American, namely, Apple, Google, 3M, GE, Microsoft, ...
22. Human security in Asia
... security.  While Asia does not suffer from the same levels of physical violence and crime as Latin America, it is a very real problem in light of the growing gap between rich and poor, urban poverty and ...
23. Human development in Asia
... and the Pacific predictably has a lower level of human development than North America and Europe, but also Latin America and the Caribbean.  South Asia is well below East Asia and also the Arab States, ...
24. Multidimensional poverty
... is given by the average MPI value -- Sub-Saharan Africa 0.360; South Asia 0.280, Arab States 0.077, East Asia and the Pacific 0.065, Latin America and the Caribbean 0.032, and Central and Eastern Europe ...
25. Beating global poverty?
... the percentage and number of people living in poverty at the $1.25 a day level has fallen between 2005 and 2008 in all the world's developing regions, namely, East Asia, South Asia, Latin America and the ...
26. Asian Century Hype
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
There is a lot of hype about the Asian Century.  The Chinese economy will soon exceed America's in size.  Asia's economy will become bigger than the West, as it was from the beginning of time until the ...
27. America and China: Asia's great powers
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
... operation, will be the way of the future for such issues.  The US is a reluctant intervener. The American rebalancing towards the Asia is now natural. The US has no appetite for counter-insurgency ...
Australia is indeed too much of a poodle of the US in the Asia-Pacific region, according to Professor Alan Dupont and many of his Asian interlocutors. While the US/Australia Alliance is very valuable, ...
29. Will China overtake the US?
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
Many Americans fear that China will soon overtake the US.  With a population more than four times that of the US, and a fast-growing economy, it is just a matter of time before the total size of the Chinese ...
... has achieved such a stunning growth in its middle class.  For example, the middle class of sub-Sharan Africa rose from 24% to 33% over the same period, while that of Latin America increased from 71% to ...
31. Breaking time for the BRICs?
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... observers have been shocked by O'Neill's forecasts that China's economy would overtake America's, and that the BRICs would overtake the G7 in the foreseeable future.  But if anything, his forecasts have ...
32. Central Asia Update
... Asian states, and eventually by Russia too, as positive phenomenon, somewhat increased, if not the popularity, but at least the necessity of American presence in the region. The US has a military air base ...
33. Measuring up Asia's economy
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... Hong Kong (92%), Japan (70%), Singapore (74%), and is in the same ball-park as North America and Europe, where the service sector accounts for about 75% of GDP.  But the services sector is much less developed ...
34. Asia and Europe
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... affairs Remarks to the panel discussion 'America, Europe and the Rise of Asia'.  Munich Security Conference.  4 February 2012 http://www.foreignminister.gov.au/speeches/2012/kr_sp_120204.html Europe, ...
35. Can we really innovate out of crisis?
(Panorama/Change and innovation)
In a recent article (see http://www.mrglobalization.com/change-and-innovation/innovating-out-of-crisis ), we argued that America has a capacity for generating an entrepreneurship- and innovation- driven ...
36. China's internal weakness and external strength
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... and investing foreign exchange reserves may provide many other benefits to the Chinese government. It is clear that since China is "America's banker", the US must take a relatively accomodating approach ...
37. Some Australia Day thought leadership
(Panorama/Change and innovation)
... immigration of peoples from countries of conflict, or those subjected to political persecution, who are simply seeking refuge from violence and a better life for their children.  Most Americans would concede ...
38. New global thinking needed
(Panorama/Change and innovation)
... think tanks is the US with 1815, followed by China (425), India (292), UK (286), Germany (194), France (176), Argentina (137), Russia (112), Japan (103), Canada (97).  On a continental basis, North America ...
39. China's elites and development
... and difficult-to-control tonic.  And the Chinese public's passion for American movies, music, basketball and fastfood undermine the Party's efforts to strengthen the soft power of Chinese culture. Societal ...
40. Birth of CELAC, a new regional body
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
... Comunidad de Estados Latino Americanos y del Caribe (CELAC), an initiative which has Venezuelas' President Hugo Chavez as main sponsor.    The city was dressed up for the occasion: fireworks, additional ...
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