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21. China's reform in a bind
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
...  The Chinese government has been responding by fiscal stimulus and monetary easing.  But more fundamental changes are required, especially since the economy may weaken further. China needs to get more ...
22. Democracy in Asia
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
That democracy has shallow roots in Asia, the most dynamic part of the world economy, is clearly evident from the Economist Intelligence Unit's "Democracy Index 2011".  Indeed, over the past five years, ...
23. Tyranny in China and Russia
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
... few years, though that is toning down as its economy is now having problems. For all its obvious problems, liberal democracy does not suffer from the moral bankruptcy of these post-Communist oligarchies.     ...
24. Asian Century on Youtube
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... been in a deep funk for two decades and has never made the transition to a domestic demand- and innovation-driven economy. -- building trusting relations between the region's big players, namely China, ...
25. Burmese Days
...  What is the state of the economy? The Burmese economy is in an appalling state due to pervasive government controls, and inefficient economic policy.  Burma's GDP per capita in 2009 was only $399, barely ...
26. 2012 Conference of Montreal
Next week, we will be reporting from the 2012 Conference of Montreal, “A Global Economy in Transition: New Strategies, New Partnerships”.  This is the annual "must-go" event of the Americas. I strongly ...
27. America's Asian Century
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... to the economically punch-drunk America rejuvenates that economy, and launches it off on a new Asian-driven America century. What is the Asian Century hypothesis?  For half a century now, Asia has ...
28. Asia's Failed States
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
As Asia sits on top of the world economy, it may be difficult to imagine that this vast unwieldy region is home to more than a handful of the world's "failed states", as estimated by the Fund for Peace ...
29. Burma: some Nobel thoughts
...  These challenges include the backward state of the economy, the low human capital of its people and its weak basic institutional capacities.  But the challenges also include the fact that longstanding ...
30. Mirage of Incredible India
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... economy star may now be fading after being the one bright spot in the global economy in recent years. Reference: "India's slowdown".  The Economist http://www.economist.com/blogs/banyan/2012/06/indias-slowdown ...
31. World Economy in Grave Danger
The world economy is in grave danger -- this is the main message from this week's Economist magazine.  And there is nothing I heard during the first day of the 2012 edition of the Conference of Montreal ...
32. China: is “state capitalism” in crisis?
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... outcome”. Such a system combines great openness towards international trade and markets with a strong political leverage on domestic economy.  Bremmer argues that the Chinese model is not only bearing ...
33. India's urban squalor
... had permanent jobs.  (The rest, like 85 per cent of Indian workers, were part of the informal, unorganized economy.)  True, a few residents trapped rats and frogs and fried them for dinner.  A few ate ...
34. State capitalism
... protect fragile industries.  Think of the US after the war of independence.  George Washington's treasury secretary Alexander Hamilton introduced a plan to get the young economy going by protecting its ...
35. The Economist on China
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
China's economy is not at great risk in the short term, because the government still has lots of firepower to keep it afloat.  But inefficient and wasteful investment is storing up problems for the longer ...
36. China's urbanization
(Panorama/Change and innovation)
... and the "Cultural Revolution", China's rate of urbanization fell back to 15-16%.  Then urbanization recommenced in earnest when the government started opening up to the global economy, beginning with the ...
... to participate in the economy.  On a global basis, women could be considered the world's most underutilized resource.  Female labor force participation reached just 52% in 2008, well below the 78% rate ...
38. Prepare for the long haul in 2012
The future of the world economy will be a long, slow grind.  Here are a few thoughts of mine recently published by the AFG Venture Group: http://www.afgventuregroup.com/dispatches/afg-venture-group-newsletter/2012-a-time-to-prepare-for-the-long-haul-john-west-editor-in-chief-mrglobalisation/ ...
39. Korea -- Asia's rising star
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
Japan's economy has been in a deep funk for two decades.  China is in desperate need of a new economic and political model.  At the same time, Korea keeps going from strength to strength, and is on track ...
40. China's reform challenges
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... of 10%.  Over 500 million people lifted out of poverty.  China is now the world's largest exporter and manufacturer, and its second largest economy.  2 of China's banks are among the world's top 10, and ...
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