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1. Asian Migration
... to their country of origin as it provides economic opportunity, political and religious freedoms, and good conditions for raising children. Respondents rated their country of origin as being superior on ...
... two decades of strong economic growth and poverty reduction.  This was especially the case in Asia where good education systems, and strong and effective governance were also key elements.  And the strong ...
3. Globalization, the word
... through flows of goods and services, capital and labour – in other words, a global market.  But the word globalization can apply to global culture, global society, global community, global ideas, global ...
4. Globalization, development and culture
... has enormous intuitive appeal. First, let's turn to Max Weber and his theory of the Protestant work ethic as a key factor explaning successful growth in capitalist countries.  It seemed a good idea for ...
5. Global citizens
... are my brethren, and to do good is my religion”, Thomas Paine, American revolutionary (AD 1776).  “I am not a citizen of the world.  I think the entire concept is intellectual nonsense and stunningly dangerous!”, ...
6. Singapore in the Asian Century
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... public expenditure is at 3% of its GDP, whereas it would need to devote 3.3% to be in the top HDI group. Its adult literacy rate is at 97.5 %, which good but needs to jump to 98.2 to aim for the top. ...
7. America's Asian Century
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... good conditions for raising children. Respondents rated their country of origin as being superior on just one of seven measures tested in the survey—strength of family ties. We should not think that ...
8. India's paradoxes
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... Mao era.  At that time, China had the nuclear bomb and satellite technology, but had over 90% of its population living on less than $1 a day.  Deng Xiaoping had the good sense to see the necessity of economic ...
9. Living on $2 a day
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... was born, they moved to Dhaka where they settled in a slum.  After spells as a cycle-rickshaw driver and construction laborer and many days of unemployment, Hamid whose health was not good, was taken on ...
10. Microfinance today
... that sometimes the power of profit can outweigh good intentions. Microfinance is not limited to developing nations, and Muhammad Yunis has stated that even developed countries can benefit from it. One ...
11. Human capital in Asia
... necessarily indicate a good basic education system, but rather may point to an extensive "shadow" system comprised of intensive evening and weekend tutoring, which is a big industry in parts of Asia, including ...
12. Asia's low quality jobs
... particularly critical.  According to Li Qiang, the founder of China Labor Watch:  "Foxconn is not good. But if we compare all industries, electronics, textile, toys, Foxconn is one of the best. The biggest ...
13. Natural disasters in Asia
... good PR thanks to the CNN effect.   The ADB proposes three lines of very useful action. First, we need to reduce populations exposure to natural disasters by: accelerating infrastructure improvements ...
14. Clinton on democracy in Asia
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
... a critical safety valve for society. It allows people to select their leaders, it gives those leaders legitimacy to make difficult but necessary decisions for the national good, and it lets those in the ...
15. Japan's governance problems
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
... and look for problems that may have been overlooked. In the process they might not only get some good advice; they would also help avert the one real danger they faced, namely that Japan would develop ...
16. Democracy in China?
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
... theorists would tell us that as a country develops a middle class, there would be a natural demand for democracy, freedom and good governance.  Then others would say that really does not apply to China.  ...
17. Tyranny in China and Russia
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
... under his rule.  He himself is resentful of Western scorn and indifference, nostalgic for the good old days when Russian might was at least respected. So he is a ruthless leader determined to earn respect, ...
18. Sen on development on youtube
... in this regard.  In particular: (i) democracy is an important institution which allows policy to be determined by a plurality of views; (ii) media can expose both the good things and bad things in our ...
19. Asian Century on Youtube
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... economics come to vivid life. And the big picture of global development—with some surprisingly good news—snaps into sharp focus.  Rosling says "What I’m really worried about is war. Will the former rich ...
20. Living on $2 a day
... was born, they moved to Dhaka where they settled in a slum.  After spells as a cycle-rickshaw driver and construction laborer and many days of unemployment, Hamid whose health was not good, was taken on ...
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