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21. Understanding the Rise of China -- Martin Jacques
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... rival the US.  This is a unique situation as we have not had for 200 years a developing country as the world's dominant country.  Moreover, Westerners assume that modernization means westernization -- ...
22. Asia's low quality jobs
... in 2008, as 714 million were lifted out of poverty.  And yet, over this same period, the share of Asian workers in low quality employment (in the "informal sector") only declined slightly from 69% to 67%, ...
23. Food security in Asia
... India.  This was exacerbated by unprecedented increases in petroleum prices, which not only made food production and delivery more expensive, but also increased demand for relatively cheaper biofuels, ...
24. Asia's rising inequality
... Bank.  This was driven by high average growth in China (9.9%) and India (6.4%).  Thus, the proportion of Asia's population living on or below the $1.25-a-day poverty line fell from 51.8% in 1990 to 20.8% ...
25. Clinton on democracy in Asia
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
... them. "...it is important we dispel the myth that democracy is somehow antithetical to Asian values and Asian experience and Asian history and Asian aspirations. People everywhere want a voice and ...
26. Japan's governance problems
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
As countries develop, the role of government must evolve too.  In this regard, the report of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission demonstrates clearly how Japan's government ...
27. China's reform in a bind
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
Yes, China's reform is in a real bind, and what's more, China has bad relations with virtually all of its neighbors.  Where will this head? The need for China to rebalance its growth away from exports ...
28. Democracy in Asia
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
... to limits on a leader’s power is far lower than in most other regions. In concluding this note, I would like to highlight the case of Japan, which received Asia's top ranking, and scored best on the ...
29. Democracy in China?
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
... CY Leung as the territory's new leader.  On this occasion, the annual pro-democracy march through the streets of Hong Kong was bolstered by anger towards Beijing.  Estimates of those who attended the rally ...
30. Tyranny in China and Russia
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
Russia and China are the chief strategic threats to the moral and political commitments of liberal democracies, argued Michael Ignatieff in his recent stirring Isaiah Berlin Memorial Lecture, delivered ...
31. Sen on development on youtube
Amartya Sen explains his views on development in a couple of film clips.  They are very much worth watching. In the first short film clip, Nobel prize-winning economist Amartya Sen explains his conception ...
32. Asian Century on Youtube
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... GDP, not much less than its 60 per cent share before the Industrial Revolution. This is what the "Asian Century" is all about.  It would be driven by seven economies, which account for 85 per cent of ...
33. Burmese Days
The changes underway in Burma are so dramatic that it is hard to assess the situation clearly.  Here is a quick attempt.   Some history   The UK granted Burma independence in 1948.  It became ...
34. 2012 Conference of Montreal
Next week, we will be reporting from the 2012 Conference of Montreal, “A Global Economy in Transition: New Strategies, New Partnerships”.  This is the annual "must-go" event of the Americas. I strongly ...
35. Living on $2 a day
... This put them among the poor people of Bangldesh, but not the very poorest. Hamid and Khadeja are an unremarkable poor household: a partly educated couple trying to stay alive, bring up a child, run a ...
36. Trying to do business in China
Almost everyone would like to do business in China.  After all, China is the world's second biggest merchandise importer and also recipient of foreign direct investment. Recent history is however littered ...
37. America's Asian Century
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... historically recent phenomenon.  In 1965, the Asian-American share of the U.S. population stood at less than 1 percent, having been held down by a century’s worth of exclusionary policies explicitly based ...
38. Asia's Failed States
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
As Asia sits on top of the world economy, it may be difficult to imagine that this vast unwieldy region is home to more than a handful of the world's "failed states", as estimated by the Fund for Peace ...
39. Human Rights in Asia
... human rights highlights vividly the growing tensions between Asia's miraculous economic growth and the region's poor human rights record.  Set out below are some key extracts from this report. As winds ...
40. Nobel hopes for China
... He was awarded the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize for his long and non-violent struggle for fundamental human rights in China. There is in fact a long list government leaders, starting with Hitler, being upset ...
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