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21. Asian Century on Youtube
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... we are in a situation of balance of power politics between US, China and India, with Japan being in a subordinate position to the US. One major issue not addressed in this film nor in the Asian Development ...
22. Burmese Days
... major trading partners are Thailand (30 per cent), China (29 per cent), Singapore (8 per cent), India (8 per cent), Korea (4 per cent), Japan (4 per cent), Malaysia (4 per cent) and Indonesia (2 per cent).  ...
23. America's Asian Century
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... the doldrums for a few more years, but as it begins to return to a normally high growth path, these Asian Americans will be able to make a major contribution to the US economy -- and perhaps result in ...
24. Asia's Failed States
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
... general election in July will be a major test of whether this young country can escape the legacy of its violent birth. (v) Bangladesh -- 29th Politics in Bangladesh have long been dominated by a bitter ...
25. Burma: some Nobel thoughts
... History shows that countries which are rich in natural resources suffer from the "paradox of plenty" and rarely succeed in development.  Countries that are political footballs between major powers suffer ...
26. Views of Asia's next generation
... of cities and metropolises, which is true of most Asian countries, is going to increase in the next decade and has been a major factor in lack of appropriate sanitary conditions, overcrowding, inhuman ...
27. China: is “state capitalism” in crisis?
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... political freedom”. The current economic model allowed the Chinese to reach the first freedom (freedom from hunger) for the majority of the population. The years ahead will tell us if 'state capitalism' ...
28. India's paradoxes
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... launched its first intercontinental ballistic missile, "Agni V".  It was capable of carrying a nuclear warhead for distances of up to 5000 kilometres, putting major Chinese cities within striking distance ...
29. The Economist on China
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... knowledge of foreign business conditions than those in China. China's SOEs have also become a major conduit for corruption by elite Communist Party members, who are unlikely to give up that privilege. ...
30. China's urbanization
(Panorama/Change and innovation)
... of revenue to town governments, and also been a major source of corruption.  The land grabs have also provoked substantial protests and social instability.  Town governments have also amassed substantial ...
31. China's reform challenges
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... the local business environment. (iv) Domestic market integration.  A single national market was achieved by removing barriers to the movement of goods, labor and capital, and by major infrastructure ...
... some 70% of the shares listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange were in the hands of domestic corporations, banks, and life insurers. The majority of these were “cross held,” meaning they were based on business ...
33. Why did Japan stop growing?
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... Japan enjoyed a long period of modest growth in the first decade of the new millennium, buoyed by some reforms by the Koizumi government, and fast growth in China.  Koizumi's major contribution was cleaning ...
34. Poverty in India
... growth leading up to the global financial crisis, with China becoming a major trading partner. But economic growth is of limited consequence if it does not improve a country's poverty.  And according ...
35. Australia: beware of Asian Century Hype
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... than $2 a day, and the majority of its much-vaunted middle class being in the lower middle class category (consumption of $2-4 a day). Where does all this leave Australia? The land "down-under" should ...
36. Asia's uneven development
... the region as a whole, as well as its major sub-regions, will not achieve these goals by 2015.  Thousands of mothers die unnecessarily as a consequence of the natural process of childbirth -- often because ...
37. Innovation Asia
(Panorama/Change and innovation)
... be in the form of major breakthrough or disruptive innovation, or incremental innovation, or creative innovation. Today an "open innovation" approach is increasingly common, based on partnerships among ...
38. Human security in Asia
... itself against external threats.  Human security concerns have been behind major humanitarian interventions such as in East Timor. The concept of human security complements "human development" analysis ...
39. Reassessing Asia's economic miracle
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... and more exports. Government industrial policy played a major role in its successful upgrading through many means, most notably by supplying large enterprises with privileged access to bank finance, ...
40. Whither China's economy?
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... and reinvesting profits.  Thus, while China has a very high rate of investment, but much of it is inefficient. The fourth major imbalance in the Chinese economy is that while growth has been very strong, ...
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