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21. State capitalism
... the world's third-largest ports operator.  The airline Emirates is growing at 20% a year. State companies make up 80% of the value of the stockmarket in China, 62% in Russia and 38% in Brazil.  They ...
22. The Economist on China
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... from implicit subsidies, sheltered markets and politically encouraged loans.  Another driver of investment has been infrastructure ventures under the control of provincial or municipal authorities, but ...
23. China's urbanization
(Panorama/Change and innovation)
... rationing entitlements have by now largely disappeared as most commodities and services have been marketized over the last 25 years, hukou is still today used to preclude access by agricultural-registered ...
... and training; women's legal and social status; and the general business environment.  Sweden, Belgium and Norway are the top 3 countries.  These countries have particularly open labor markets for women, ...
25. China's reform challenges
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... driven this impressive performance: (i) Pragmatic and effective market-oriented reforms.  Reforms were introduced in a gradual, experimental way --"crossing the river by feeling the stones".  The economy ...
... some 20% of Japanese manufacturing is located outside Japan (for cars, it is 51%; for electronics it is over 30%).  So while Japanese companies export less from home, they still reach foreign markets and ...
27. Why did Japan stop growing?
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... to a leader in motor vehicles and electronics. Japan's growth was also export-oriented which meant that product standards had to be raised to international market standards.  Japan benefited from open ...
28. Poverty in India
... success has thus been a case of a few islands of prosperity in a vast sea of poverty India stands at a crucial juncture with market sentiment now turning against the country.  The government needs to ...
29. Australia: beware of Asian Century Hype
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... itself for the burden of an ageing population.  Most other Asian countries face more difficult challenges as they need to rebalance their growth away from Western export markets at an earlier stage in ...
30. Asia's uneven development
... Asia.  Those more likely to resort to counterfeit drugs in the informal market are the poor, while the rich are better able to afford guaranteed high-quality medicines. (vii) enhance the affordability ...
31. Innovation Asia
(Panorama/Change and innovation)
... the world, or new to a sector or market, or new to an agent. Importantly, non-technological innovations are increasingly vital, such as new organizational forms, new marketing approaches, successful design, ...
32. Russia and the East
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
... regional center of its Far East region. As host country Russia has big hopes about this high-level and well represented meeting. The APEC zone could open a new market for Russian products, and more importantly, ...
33. Reassessing Asia's economic miracle
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... maintaining an undervalued exchange rate, protecting the local market, providing first class infrastructure, and educated and training its diligent work force.  Open markets in the US and Europe also played ...
34. Beating global poverty?
... the labor market under Prime Minister Koizumi and competition with low-wage China.  The past two lost decades have resulted in fewer and fewer entry positions which enjoy life-time employment practices ...
35. China: recent political developments
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... shift in China’s growth pattern, namely a policy shift towards developing interior regions, internal market, production for China’s needs, and home-grown innovation, which would make China less dependent ...
36. America and China: Asia's great powers
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
... power also requires a compelling ideology and values.  The US stands for democracy, human rights and market economy.  But China doesn't stand for anything.  The communism label is just a relic from the ...
37. Whither China's economy?
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... and that the government won't be able to pump the economy up again in response to the weakening of European export markets. Then there are the bulls who argue that the Chinese government still has plenty ...
38. An Indo-Pacific Strategy for Australia
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
... This creates many opportunities for all countries, especially those like Australia which can exploit their fast growing market demands for natural resources.  But it also creates many risks, like rising ...
39. Youth and development in Asia
... of globalization and the urban/manufacturing job market.  They have been exposed to a wider range of ideas than earlier generations.  The pace of change will continue to be rapid and this will create new ...
40. Gender equality and development
... Yes indeed! First, trade openness, and the diffusion of new information and communications technologies have translated into more jobs and stronger connections to markets for women, increasing their ...
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