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1. China's foreign investment
... In 2011, the Australian government also excluded Huawei from tendering for the National Braodband Network. Why is there all this fuss about FDI coming from China? After all, FDI brings much needed fresh ...
2. Asian Migration
... and much of the rest fairly evenly split between Canada, UK and Australia. These four countries account for more than 80 per cent of Asian migrants living in the OECD group of 34 countries. The share ...
... allowed much of the former communist world to join the global economy. Somewhat curiously, it was around this time that a whole series of events would occur to lay the foundations for the creation of ...
4. Globalization, the word
... -- Wikipedia. Let’s come back to Levitt and assess his contribution.  What were his main arguments?  “Two vectors shape the world – technology and globalization.  … Regardless of how much preferences ...
5. Singapore in the Asian Century
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... perception index, Singapore is way above most countries in the world as it ranks 5th, which is excellent and much better than the United States' 24th position. Singapore's need for FDI and foreign business ...
6. America's Asian Century
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... have sent money to home in the past year. About half of Filipinos (52 per cent) also say they sent remittances home in the past year. By contrast, Japanese (12 per cent) and Koreans (16 per cent) are much ...
7. India's paradoxes
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... studied information technology in the US and elsewhere. But India's growth prospects now look much weaker.  It is faced with the Indian reality of corrupt and incompetent politics, bureaucracy and red ...
8. China's reform in a bind
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... there is much more uncertainty than ever before. Notwithstanding its complex domestic economic (and political) challenges, China has in fact been much more effective in the past at managing the domestic ...
9. Living on $2 a day
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... in unpredictable daily amounts.  One-fifth of the $70 was spent on rent (not always paid on time), and much of the rest went toward the most basic necessities of life -- food and the means to prepare it.  ...
10. Burmese Days
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... the country's gems. What are the prospects for Burma? There is much international excitement about the dramatic changes in Burma.  The international community is now rushing to provide support, and ...
11. Microfinance today
... China is much larger than Bangladesh, both in population and land mass, and the population is much less concentrated. This means it is harder for small banks to gain a foothold and reach large amounts ...
12. Human capital in Asia
... years.  Much of this exodus is driven by parents' desire to have their children become fluent in English, a highly prized ability in a country well aware of its need to ccompte in a globalized economy. ...
13. Asia`s social development
Discussions in the Asia-Pacific focus substantially on the region's economic development.  Thankfully, the OECD's excellent publication "Society at a Glance: Asia/Pacific 2011" provides us with some much ...
14. Asia's information society
... like Korea's can help fast-track development by investing in the ICT sectors.  Korea's ICT sector is more developed than many countries like the US, Japan or Germany which have much higher GDPs per capita ...
15. Asia's low quality jobs
... capita income.  There are however exceptions.  India has a much higher rate of informal employment (82%) than expected for a country at its level of per capita income -- India has been slow at creating ...
16. Natural disasters in Asia
... communities -- are the quickest to provide the most valuable  practical immediate assistance following a great disaster.  Much greater priority needs to be given to strengthening local preparedness rather ...
17. Food security in Asia
... rice -- staple crops for much of the world -- made matters worse, disrupting markets and harming both producers and consumers.  The 2007-2008 food price crisis pushed 44 million people globally below ...
18. Asia's rising inequality
... but the rich doing much better than the poor.   The list of countries with rising inequality, from the top down, is China, Indonesia, Laos, Sri Lanka, Korea, Georgia, Bangladesh, Mongolia, India, Tajikistan, ...
19. Japan's governance problems
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
... manmade disaster on specific individuals. Gregory Clark, former president Tama University, former vice-president Akita International University, responded to Curtis that much of the cause of the Fukushima ...
20. China's reform in a bind
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... there is much more uncertainty than ever before. Notwithstanding its complex domestic economic (and political) challenges, China has in fact been much more effective in the past at managing the domestic ...
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