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1. China's foreign investment
... and the majority of public opinion were against the deal. But from now on, bids by SOEs for Canada's oilsand businesses will only be considered in “exceptional circumstances”. This is "not the beginning ...
2. Asian Migration
... the US 19 per cent. And all these figures are on the rise because the "flow" of Asian migrants into the OECD area is now over 30 per cent of total, a figure which has been increasing despite the global ...
3. Whither Obama, the global president?
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
... to Canada, David Jacobson, told an audience at the University of Toronto, the race for the White House is now "very close". A BBC World Service opinion poll has found sharply higher overseas approval ...
... good for everyone on the upside, it is now dragging everyone down, including Asia.  The effect on international trade, investment and finance has been strong. A better managed globalization must be part ...
5. Globalization, the word
... for the Harvard Business Review entitled “The Globalization of Markets”?   We will never really know who invented the word “globalization”.  The word could have rolled off anyone’s lips.  It is a word ...
6. Global citizens
... Newt Gingrich, American politician (AD 2009). But as Mark Gerzon argues in his book, “Global Citizens”, the world of today is in desperate need of global citizens. We human beings are now challenged ...
7. Singapore in the Asian Century
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... Century is said to be the Asian Century. We are now twelve years into the new millennium and, although Asia can glorify itself with major achievements, more needs to be done and Asia cannot rest on its ...
8. Japan in the Asian Century
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... Century. Firstly, Japan is a leader in environmentally-friendly automobile production. Toyota is known worldwide for its hybrid Prius and the other Japanese car manufacturers are constantly innovating ...
9. America's Asian Century
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... to the economically punch-drunk America rejuvenates that economy, and launches it off on a new Asian-driven America century. What is the Asian Century hypothesis?  For half a century now, Asia has ...
10. India's paradoxes
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... giant.  Ranbaxy is India's largest pharma company, and is now in the global top 10 generics companies with exports to 150 countries.  Biocon is Asia's largest biotechnology company, the world's largest ...
11. China's reform in a bind
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... towards domestic demand has been at the top of agenda for a few years now.  With Europe, China's biggest export destination, mired in financial crisis, the need for rebalancing is becoming ever more urgent. ...
12. Burmese Days
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... the country's gems. What are the prospects for Burma? There is much international excitement about the dramatic changes in Burma.  The international community is now rushing to provide support, and ...
13. Culture Wise China
... known them for a long time and we know what is underneath the skin".   You may be surprised to learn that although Westerners are turning more and more to Chinese medicine, young Chinese prefer the faster ...
14. Microfinance today
... daily incomes and help them continue to save and stabilize their lives. Finally, Asia is known for its lack of women’s power and rights. From the One Child Policy in China to sex selective abortions in ...
15. Economic growth prospects in Asia
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... high growth rates these past few decades, this is a reflection of how far behind China was, as well as of course its excellent policy reforms.     Poorer countries can absorb knowledge and technology ...
16. Human capital in Asia
... level from 1.8% to 3.8%. In India in the same period, these figures have increased more than sixfold and fivefold, respectively. But while India’s primary enrollment rate is now at par with mostemerging ...
17. Asia`s social development
... are around 70.  Jump down to 64 years and you will find India, a little below its neighbors of Pakistan and Bangladesh, and also Laos.  Burma and Cambodia bring up the rear at 61. Let's now turn to health ...
18. Asia's information society
... In developed countries, on the other hand, mobile cellular penetration has reached saturation, with average penetration now over 100% at end 2010, compared with 70% in developing countries. With more than ...
19. Understanding the Rise of China -- Martin Jacques
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... parochial.  Developing countries have been forced to learn about the West and know the West -- whereas as the West, especially Europe, is ignorant of the rest of the world. The rise of developing countries, ...
20. Asia's low quality jobs
... of ILO instruments on migration and migrant workers. Let's move now on to the case of Apple's iPhone.  This product represents the classic case of the creation of new low-cost manufacturing activities ...
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