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21. Asian Century on Youtube
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... "Asia 2050" report they wrote for the Asian Development Bank. Here are some of the key points: Asia has half the world's population, but only 27 per cent of the world's GDP.  It is a very diverse ...
22. Burmese Days
... exporter of rice, produced 75 per cent of the world's teak, and had a highly literate population. The military took over in 1958.  A military coup followed in 1962, whose government pursued an extreme ...
23. America's Asian Century
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... accounts for almost 60 per cent of the world's population.  And as most advanced OECD countries in the economic doldrums, with the notable exceptions of Canada and Australia, dynamically emerging Asia ...
24. Asia's Failed States
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
... failure risk elements such as extensive corruption and criminal behavior, inability to collect taxes or otherwise draw on citizen support, large-scale involuntary dislocation of the population, sharp economic ...
25. World Economy in Grave Danger
... term, the US and other advanced economies face a massive social security and health bill for their ageing populations. In short, the world economy really is in grave danger, and there seems no simple ...
26. Views of Asia's next generation
... population groups, mainly those living in poorer areas, and girls.  Large populations of rural children are not enrolled in school, compared to their urban counterparts.  Girls have traditionally had fewer ...
27. China: is “state capitalism” in crisis?
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... political freedom”. The current economic model allowed the Chinese to reach the first freedom (freedom from hunger) for the majority of the population. The years ahead will tell us if 'state capitalism' ...
28. India's paradoxes
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... and incompetent government, and with 80% of its population living on less than $2 a day. How can we understand this country? India demonstrated its technological prowess in April this year when it ...
29. The Economist on China
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
...  Further, China's captive finance supplied by compliant citizens may dry up, as capital flight mounts and as the rapid ageing of the population leads to a draw down of savings.  Last year already, working ...
30. China's urbanization
(Panorama/Change and innovation)
The largest migration in world history is now taking place -- from Chinese rural to urban areas.  China's urban population has jumped from about 10% of total in 1949 to about 50% today.  By the year 2030, ...
...  In North East Asia's most developed countries of Japan and Korea, the dramatic consequences include: some of the very lowest birthrates in the world; a declining population in Japan, and a soon-to-be ...
32. Korea -- Asia's rising star
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... very rapidly ageing population, threats to social cohesion, and the possibility of political change in North Korea.  The country that has done so so well, needs to lift its game even further to realize ...
33. China's reform challenges
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... reasons.  China's reform process may be getting bogged down at an earlier phase in its development path than Japan.  China is now undergoing dramatic population ageing, and in contrast to Japan will become ...
34. Why did Japan stop growing?
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... electronics and other industries were offshored to East Asia, setting up the now very familiar production networks and supply chains. Lastly, Japan has been undergoing the most rapid aging of its population ...
35. Poverty in India
... by half between 1990 and 2015 the proportion of its population living on less than $1.25 a day.   In fact, India is not making sufficient developmental progress to meet a long list of MDGs by 2015, namely, ...
36. Australia: beware of Asian Century Hype
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... itself for the burden of an ageing population.  Most other Asian countries face more difficult challenges as they need to rebalance their growth away from Western export markets at an earlier stage in ...
37. Asia's uneven development
... on less than $1.25 a day.  And reflecting the fact that many who have escaped extreme poverty have only climbed one step on the development ladder, 1.9 billion people or about half the region's population ...
38. Russia and the East
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
... only a bleak shadow of its past. Economic difficulties and unemployment after the collapse of the USSR led to massive internal migration of the population especially the younger generation to more economically ...
39. Human security in Asia
... region's population have both physical and economic access to food at all times.  However, the rise in global food prices in 2007/08 threatened such food security, and highlighted the world's likely food ...
40. Reassessing Asia's economic miracle
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... over a country whose GDP per capita was little higher than 2000 years before.  The growth of the Chinese economy over the millenia was mainly reflected in a higher population ("extensive growth"), and ...
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