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41. Multidimensional poverty
... people in the developing world live in multidimensional poverty, or 31 per cent of the total population.  This figure is in the middle between the World Bank's estimates of consumption poverty based on ...
42. Beating global poverty?
... Caribbean, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Middle East and North Africa, and Sub-Saharan Africa. In 2008, 22% of the population of the developing world was living below $1.25 a day, about half that in ...
43. Asian Century Hype
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
... the size of the West.  But Asia's population was seven time bigger.  The levels of economic development, as measured by GDP per capita, of the two regions were about the same.  By the time we reach the ...
44. Urbanization in Asia -- 12 things to know in 2012
(Panorama/Change and innovation)
... ADB Managing Asian Cities http://www.adb.org/publications/managing-asian-cities 2.  By 2030, more than 55% of the population of Asia will be urban. Source: ADB Competitive Cities in the 21st Century ...
45. Will China overtake the US?
(Panorama/Globalization winners)
Many Americans fear that China will soon overtake the US.  With a population more than four times that of the US, and a fast-growing economy, it is just a matter of time before the total size of the Chinese ...
46. An Indo-Pacific Strategy for Australia
(Panorama/Governing globalization)
... Australia champions and whose media is very ill-informed.  Australia is no longer the Anglo-Saxon outpost that many Indians still imagine, but a hybrid society with one-quarter of its population being ...
47. Youth and development in Asia
... their population.  Asia which is home to half the world's total population is also home to half of the world's youth. How should we invest in youth?  The World Bank has a number recommendations for ...
48. Gender equality and development
... years.  Despite the overall progress, primary and secondary school enrollments for girls remain lower than for boys for disadvantaged populations in many sub-Saharan countries and in some parts of Africa, ...
49. Japan's triple crisis -- one year on?
(Panorama/Change and innovation)
... switch, and the summer of 2012 looks like being a sticky one, with power shortages. Japan's population, which is already sitting on public debt of 200 per cent of GDP, is right now in the middle of the ...
... the ADB's calculations, developing Asia's middle class population has grown from 21% of the region's population in 1990 to 56% in 2008 (3).  Thus, in 2008 1.9 billion of emerging Asia's population were ...
51. Development
Many developing countries are missing the globalisation train. While five million of the world’s population live in prosperity or moving towards prosperity, the bottom billion (mainly in Africa) have been ...
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